Hey. My name is Patrick, but you can call me Pnod, or Pat, or whatever you'd like. Here is where I'd make a joke about letting you call me on your phone, except I'd really rather that I didn't have to hear your wretched voice.
If you were to take just a brief look at this site, you'd be forgiven for assuming that I'm sort of scatterbrained and couldn't focus on one thing if my life depended on it.
There is no punchline to that.
Make yourself comfortable, take off your shoes at the door, take a look around. There's probably something here that's matched to your tastes. If there isn't, I'm sure you're smart enough to get out on your own.
If you need to contact me, or just have nothing better to do, your best bet is through my Discord at pnod9035 (Or, if you're fancy, my EMail's at gulieguliescu@gmail.com)