Custom made just for this site.
These support the basic Latin Alphabet, basic Arabic Numerals, and a few punctuation and special symbols.
If you want more characters, buy me a Calligraphr Pro subscription.
All of these are free for Commercial use, though I would really appreciate if you gave credit where it's due somewhere within your project, if possible.
Squid Game Picrew
I'll be honest, I really loved Squid Game. Some might say I even started learning Korean because of it, 그러지만 거짓말이에요. Anyway, here is a little character creator I made for it back when I was reaaaally on a honeymoon with the series.
White Face Shimeji
I'll be honest, I really loved Imscared. Some might say I even recycled this joke, 그러지만 거짓말이에요. Anyway, here is a little desktop buddy I made of him back when I was reaaaally on a honeymoon with the game.
Strong Emotions Emoji Pack
So I hang out on Discord quite a lot, and I oftentimes set my status to some sad lyric from some song I like or another, just because it sounds cool. But whenever I do, I can never find an emoji that explains the feeling quite right. So I made this little pack of custom emojis to show the emotion better. Feel free to use them in your own server, you don't even gotta credit me.

Ydea Trailer 1
Ydea Trailer 2
Ydea Trailer 3