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One day like any other,

Mickey Mouse decides to go out for a stroll,

but there's a quiet madness in the air,

and sinister thoughts are abound.


Explore a small map,

find gruesome ways to die,

kill your friends for fun,

and most importantly of all,

don't let the suffering end.

Oh, and do be mindful of your sanity;

you might want to keep it.


There is a file. Unknown where it comes from, or where it'll go, but you can investigate it.

Bonus 2: i once heard a song

but then she stopped singing

Bonus 3: Screensaver Mouse

Nobody uses these anymore, but, oh well!


Pnod - Primary Coding, Spriting, Designing.

KareemNasr - Additional Coding, Ideas.

linkrulezall - Original Suicide Mouse game.

EnclaveG - Tons of inspiration.

Disney - Duh.


January 21st, '24:


-Released i once heard a song

September 25th '22: V1.5.4: 

-Slightly updated the credits

-Added an alternative code for Debug Mode

August 19th '22: Version 1.5.3: 

-Updated one line of info

August 17th '22: Version 1.5.2: 

-Fixed a few more bugs

August 12th '22: Version 1.5.1: 

-Fixed a few bugs

August 11th '22: Version 1.5: 

-Added achievements

-Added Ending 0

-Added more hallucinations to low sanity

-Smoothed a bunch of textures

-Added an inventory

-Added the option to knock at doors

-Mickey's face static now properly animates

-Fonts are built into the game

-New areas

-Added clouds

-Revamped title

-Improved pit death cutscene

-Improved the book

-Fixed a few bugs

-New secrets

-Released MOUSE_TRAP

February 19th '22: Version 1.2: 

-Added Endings 6 & 7

-Expanded certain areas

-Added a new death

-Added unlockable costumes

-Updated the cutscene for Ending 1

-Updated the cutscene for the pit death

-New secrets

-Updated Donald's conversation

-Improved the book

-Added a warning screen

-Fixed a few bugs

-Experimental new features in Debug Mode

-Released Screensaver Mouse

January 21st '22: Version 1.0: 

-Initial release

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